Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 9

This Morning:
Me: "Grace what do you want to do today?"
Grace: "um go and fly an airplane."

At Dinner tonight:
We had spaghetti tonight. Grace picked up a piece of her spaghetti and put it on her finger. She pointed to it and said "look momma inchy worm." We asked her what it's name was and she said "Bob"

Before bed: 
Grace found her cupcake pajama pants and said "Look jammas!" Then she blew her nose in them. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mommy:What did you do with auntie jill today?
Grace: "saw puppies, I petted them and they lickted my face!"

Mommy: what did you do with Nana today?
Grace: "went to kizone (kid zone) and went down the slide"
Mommy: what else?
Grace: play wit da kitchen (play kitchen) and made a hotdog!

Every morning I wake up to "MOMMY!!!!! MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY" until I get her out of bed. Then we snuggle and watch disney for about an hour and get up. Each morning she asks me "mommy...dada workin?" and I saw yes he is working. "aww.. come home soon?" 

did you know that Auntie Jill actually means "Zoo and McDonalds"? At least that's what Grace thinks. 
did you know Nana means "go to see goats"? thats how grace translates it.

Gabba Says

"Gabba Says No Pushing!"
Grace says this with a very stern look on her face and her hands out as if to say stop. It's her new thing, she says it when no one is pushing her.

Grace's Dress

Auntie Jill came over tonight with her bridesmaids dress and tried it on, and she looked gorgeous! Grace told her it was pretty dress and we asked grace if she wanted to put her pretty dress on (flower girl dress). She actually said YES. This was surprising to me since the last time I asked her I ended up wrestling her to the ground, she screamed, cried, and kicked me. finally got it on and she threw herself on the floor screaming "Don't Like It!" That lasted about 20 minutes. 

She was running around for about 20 minuted with it on tonight, spinning around, making s spin around, dancing in it. It was so cute and SUCH A RELIEF!!!!!!

Jobby Job

So.... As many of you know I work at the Comcast Center now for Delaware North Companies. And I really love it. Such a change it atmosphere, I work outside in a trailer with 4 other people rather than my previous 5 years in a cubicle wanting to stick a pen in my foot to escape! Although I have made some of my bestest friends at work (Lisa Amy Peter Sue Stacey etc...). 

So, my goal is to be next years "back stage catering manager" The job is just as it sounds, you get the Artists Ryders, set up the dressing rooms, go food shopping, work closely with the head chef (Ozzie has a plain baked potato before every show, Stevie Nicks has her dressing covered in tapestry etc...) and work crazy strange hours such as 5am-5am. However, you only work a few days a week. I would absolutely LOVE this if given the opportunity! 

So in my discussion with my boss today AKA the GM. we spoke about what I want to do next year, during off season etc... And I told her that I am really interested in Back Stage. She was so excited! She said she was glad I told her and that now she has some thinking to do! She set me up to work backstage on Saturday for the S.N. double O. P snoop doggy dog! She said this way I can see what its all about and let her know if I am still really interested!