Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday was miss gracie's birthay party, Sunday was James's birthay party at the zoo, then we went to the carnival at night! Monday we went to Wareham to the beach with miss Grace. It was a great weekend! We got 3 whole days with Chris which never happens with his work schedule! Here are some highlights.

At the Beach...

Carnival Pics....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

James's Birthday!

James was born the day after Grace, making me and michele the fattest most miserable people in May of 2007, up until the 23rd and 24th obviously! James's birthday was at the Capron Park zoo and was so fun! They had the kids pet animals, brought us cake and ice cream and then we all walked around on our own. Here's some pics from the day. Happy Birthday James We Love You!

Leigh McKee is preggers :)

Leigh and Steve are PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY! I'm so happy or you guys! Leigh you will be such a great mommy! just do your Simpson impression of Ralph and your little girl will laugh all the time! Due date is September 3rd! Let the count down begin! I can't believe that by the end of 2009 Jenn, Leigh, and myself (all Temple University Roomies) will be A. MARRIED and B. Mommies to beautiful little girls! HOLY CRAP! My love to my phillie ladies! holla!!!

Grace's 2nd Birthday! Chris's 29th Birthday!

For those of you who don't remember, Grace was born on Chris's birthday, so they share that day! And as Grace would put it, "aw how cute" Her birthday was Shrek themes, it's her absolute favorite movie(s). We had the 3 Shrek soundtracks playing (courtesy of Peter and Amanda). We also had a Shrek cake, Shrek colored balloons, Shrek posters made by Jill Tosti, and finally pink princess tiara's for the girls and green visors for boys for the kids to decorate. She had soo many guests and so many wonderful gifts. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jenn and Mikes Wedding

We got our "save the dates" for Jenn and Mike's wedding! Yay! I'm sooo excited for them! I can't wait meet little Caroline! Jenn and Mike have been together since college, when we went to Temple in Philly- city of brotherly love- They are the best! I can't believe we are all growing up!

Itchy Worm

Grace has discovered green inch worms. SHe loves them and calls them "cute itchy woam" ie cute inchy worm. She holds them on her finger tips and pets them and tickels them saying "Tikle Tikle itchy woam" Today we got home and she told me all about her worms of the day how hey are cute. She also likes to call for them saying "Itchy woam whea r u?" And goes and looks for them.


Me and my mom bought Grace a potty yesterday. One for each of our houses and exactly the same (disney princess), that way she can get used to it. Grace is now OBSESSED with the potty. Yesterday when she arrived at my mothers house with auntie Jill she ran right over to it and knew it was her "potty." She tried to rip her pants right off so she could sit on it. She then carried it around the house from room to room yelling "Gracie's potty" and would periodically sit on it. One time she ran into my parents sun room with it, but then pee'd on the floor! whoops!

Grace wouldn't put it down! She had us put her potty on her chair at dinner. She ate her dinner on her potty. Mid dinner she piddled! and me, mom, and dad all clapped and yelled "hooray!" She was so proud of herself. Once we got her home she saw that she had yet another potty at our house! Again she wanted to sit on it immediately! She sat on it for about 45 minutes and then it was time for bed. She wanted nothing to do with her diaper! Once Chris and I were able to pin her down and get it on she was screaming like a wild animal. She started running throughout the house screaming "No Dypie!" She got so upset she started throwing up! She has never been sick so she didn't know what was going on :( 

The scene went like this: Grace screaming and running throughout the house trying to rip off her diaper, Chris and I chasing her around trying to calm her down, Chris with a plastic cup and I with a towel. Periodically catching the vomit with whatever prop we had! She was running from the kitchen to the living room and back! She managed to get sick on the stairs, living room area rug, living room table, kitchen floor, and her tea party table. This lasted about 20 minutes. We didn't know what to do! Finally I said "gracie do you want to watch Shrek?" she stopped in her tracks, stopped screaming, looked at me and said "ya!" She was fine instantly! Thank god for Mike Myers.

Now she is wearing "big girl pants" AKA pull ups. don't make the mistake of calling them diapers, she'll FREAK!